Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Out of Class Research


This commercial seemed completely genuine to me.  There were two things I really noticed that made me believe it was solely heartfelt.  First, when the children were singing, a couple of the firefighters were tearing up and all the rest looked touched that the children were there recognizing them for all they'd done.  Also, after watching the commercial, I was struck by the words that flashed upon the screen at the end of the commercial.  Never Forgotten.  Always Thankful.  Those words give the viewer a lasting feeling of respect and gratefulness for the firefighters.  They're just simple black words on a white background, but they're so meaningful and real that you won't forget them.  

Behind the Scenes:

Watching the Behind the Scenes only confirmed my beliefs that the commercial was completely genuine.  I found myself tearing up when the firefighters talked about the men they lost.  When the director talked about his own experiences that day, I remembered once again where I was when I heard about the planes striking the towers.  I loved that they brought all those children in to sing and create a genuinely beautiful tribute commercial.  It was wonderful to watch.

Miller Gallery:

 This piece really caught my attention because you can see the worry, gratefulness, and aid all in one picture.  Those are three of the most all-consuming things from 9/11.  I love how the firefighter is right there calling for help while people rush about and try to get away from the flames.  I also love the one woman holding the 'Thank You' sign.  It reminds me how, even with everything going on at the same time, everyone was so thankful for the firefighters and heroes who were there to help when the towers were in flames.  This one piece of artwork depicts everything I remember from 9/11.

 My attention was also caught by this piece of artwork.  I love how it's such a strong sense of  remembrance.  You can see where the towers were, as well as the city as it is now and the destruction as it was then.  It's such a powerful combination because you can see the old and the new all in one with how it came to be that way.  I remember when the beams of light were there in all the tributes.  This piece is powerful because it makes you remember everything about the city and the tragedy. 

After spending time in the gallery, I just remember how powerful it was to see all the tributes to 9/11.  There were many pieces I didn't understand at first, which almost made them even more powerful once I finally did understand what they were trying to show me.  I was so young when everything happened, only 10 years old.  I didn't really understand everything that was going on, so it's even more striking now because I can understand everything when I see it.  The gallery itself was quiet, so it made looking at all the artwork so real and gave the viewers a chance to really take it all in.

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